Rhian White Photography

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Photo shoots in the Brighton and Sussex areas

Brighton photo shoot changes

I lived in Brighton for 8 years and loved it. I moved to the south west in 2018 and have enjoyed going back to Brighton every few weeks for shoots since then. However, now I am spending half my life in South Cornwall (and the rest in Exmouth, Devon) it’s becoming more difficult to find the time to head back to the Brighton area for work, plus it is much further and costs of getting and staying there have gone up. I still very much want to and the demand is still there, but I am making some changes which will make the trips more viable for me.

From the 1st July any shoot bought for Brighton or any area around there will be under my UK TOUR price range. The difference between my regular shoot cost and tour cost is very simple: with the regular shoots you buy the shoot and then pay for prints/digitals after (with no obligation) but with the tour cost you pay for the shoot and the digitals up front. This means a guaranteed income for me for having to travel so far. If you were to buy the shoot and digitals under the regular shoot it actually works out a little bit more than the tour cost.. If you are in the Brighton/Sussex area and want to buy a shoot for the regular cost you can do so until the end of this month (June 2023) (valid for one year from purchase).

Regular photo shoot costs: https://www.rhianwhitephotography.co.uk/shop?category=Photo+shoots
Tour photo shoot costs: https://www.rhianwhitephotography.co.uk/shop?category=UK+tour

Workshops will also be under the tour cost and I will no longer be running group workshops there, only 1-1s. You can also do a 2-1 and share with a friend.

Workshop tour costs: https://www.rhianwhitephotography.co.uk/shop/uk-tour-1-1-workshop

Of course, I will be honouring all shoots bought previously and up until the end of June but after 1st July all shoots purchased for that area will be under the tour cost. Gift vouchers for any amount are still available.